I have a little sister and we have many traditions. One of them is to eat European chocolate while driving down Sunset at two in the morning, looking for nothing but seeing the city.
She's away right now and that fact hurts pretty bad. I cry over how times pass without her here. We should have gone to Disneyland with matching costumes and every Fall Out Boy concert that comes around the LA area.
Another thing we do is wear matching pajamas. Normally that's something you do when you're little but we don't mind. I think it's more fun this way.
Because she's gone we've both had time to grow and it seems like we've gone in different directions. She is one way and I'm another but we're still sisters. We're still together.

She is love and I am go away.
She will say Amour while I tell you Bonjour.
We are different but we love one another the same. You can't tell me different. There are disappointments and fights. I give her the silent treatment a lot of the time because I don't want to speak out in anger. Because we are so different we see life and it's ways differently.
Opposites attract.
She's not my sister by blood but she is by love. I think that's more powerful.
Peace & Love for always- Jessica